Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Sorry For not Posting and WARNING!!!

Hey guys Im sorry for not posting i been busy but now i can post.

Guys did u hear bout the swine flu it from umm Mexico from the pigs! it atually spreated to New York now it going to Boston but i hope i wont get the flu


Janthran said...

sorry i cant help it everyone thinks its from the pigs but its really called swine flu because pigs can get it

prissymis said...

Please don't get so uppetty about it Janthran.
It actually did come from a pig. Here's what happened:
A pig had the swine flu. A stupid five-year-old petted the pig. He got the swine flu. He spread it to his parents, who gave it to friends, who gave it to friends, and those people somehow got it to the US. (Kinda strange how they managed to do that, eh?) And now it' as far north as Washington. (Not Washington, DC, just regular Washington)