Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Contest and chobot of the week!

Hey everyone officere here! We had some great ideas in the “idea” page. So, i decided to use one of them. What we will do is who ever has the most things by helping people in the comments, giving more ideas, etc. will get one point! At the end of the month who ever has the most points will recieve an special thing from me on chobots. That could mean something big like big an author on the site or some small like some citizen magic. You have to help to find out. Also i need your help on getting more people on the site, that would be awsome!!Well while we get that going here is our chobot of the week!( i dont know if you can tell or not but i like using exlmation marks!)

Blade is an good agent he love to help out people so if you all need help with something this is the guys to ask.

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