Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Sorry For not Posting and WARNING!!!

Hey guys Im sorry for not posting i been busy but now i can post.

Guys did u hear bout the swine flu it from umm Mexico from the pigs! it atually spreated to New York now it going to Boston but i hope i wont get the flu

New Problem On Chobots

We all know what this sign is its the agent sign listen up we have been having a problem on chobots with agent many chobots have been asking to be an agent or asking agents to reckomend them if you do that you might be on the agent blacklist and your ip and chobot will be banned from becoming an agent also to be an agent you need to help and be nice not be mean and ask people to reckomend you so please do not ask to be an agent it is pretty anoying and it will lower your chances to be an agent.

Monday, April 27, 2009

I'm A New Author!

hey you guys probably know me im warrior7878 many people no me so thats why i have a blog to its warrior7878chobotsblogger.blogspot.com

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Quick little speech

Hello people from all over the chobots world! This is a little thing i have to tell you so hang in there with me. There are going to be some awsome updates coming soon like new chobots101 made wigets, wall paper, etc. So that means the more updates the more authors I will need. You better start commenting now!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Who is this?

Hey to all! First of all you voted the blog to stay up so.... its staying!!! woohoo

Next of all i need you to help me get more people to visit for contest and things that will happen on the blog, so i you can do that for me it would be great :D Now I seen this guy on eariler today anyof you know who he is( dont just say jesuschrist). He is kinda old. Who ever can give me the most details about him will win cloths for the shop( noncitizen) what ever they want! So, here he is.....

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I'm a new author as this blog!

I'm a new author of this blog, I have my own blog listed above. I'm am happy to contribute to officere's blog. P.S Officere is currently the best agent.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Hey guys

What up im the new umm author :P cya later on and cant wait till Nicho Kingdom start in MONDAY 2 more days i cant wait!!!